Bowel and Bladder Incontinence after Childbirth Injury: A Patient and Professional’s Perspective



A multidisciplinary webinar organised by the MASIC Foundation with leading speakers, reflecting the diverse professional roles required to coordinate and deliver effective and individualised care for women experiencing Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury (OASI) and their consequences.


12.30 Welcome
Co-chairs: Professor Mike Keighley, MASIC Founder & President. A Barling Professor of Surgery at The University of Birmingham & a retired Colorectal Surgeon
Sarah Embleton, MASIC Advocate

12:35 Urinary Incontinence and Prolapse after Childbirth: What can be done?
Professor Bob Freeman, Consultant Urogynaecologist at University Hospitals Plymouth & Education Trustee for MASIC

12:45 Testing Anorectal Function – Julie Cornish, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff

12:55 The Principal of Explaining to Patients about the Risk & Benefits of Treatment Options – Sarah Addison, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Pelvic Floor Lead at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham

13:05 Jo’s Story – A MASIC Advocate talks about her experience of receiving many tests & treatments after an OASI injury

13:15 What’s Happening with Vaginal Mesh? – Professor Bob Freeman

13:25 Rectal Irrigation with a Qufora Mini Go – Brigitte Collins, Global Clinical Education Manager for MacGregor Healthcare Ltd

13:35 Surgical Treatment for Anal Incontinence: Is SNS Now Optimum Therapy, New Developments & How Do We Select Who Really Benefits? – Tom Dudding, Consultant Colorectal and Pelvic Floor Surgeon, University Hospital Southampton

13:45 Rhi’s Story – A MASIC Advocate talks about her experience after an OASI injury

13:55 Rachel’s Story – A MASIC Advocate talks about her experience after an OASI injury

14:05 Question & Answer Session with Panellists, led by Co-chairs

14:30 Close

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Looking for support?

There is support available if you need it, don’t suffer in silence and don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice.

MASIC can help you over come the physical and emotional trauma you may have experienced during and after child birth. We can support you and guide you to helpful resources, all you need to do is get in touch.

Not sure where to start?

Please call the MASIC 24h freephone Birth Injury Support Helpline 0808 1640833

The stats speak for themselves.
More women are affected and need support…


of women with severe birth injury said it impacted on their relationship with their child


were affected by traumatic memories of the birth


stated they were embarrassed by the symptoms of their injury


of women affected said they doubted their ability to mother


suffered postnatal depression as a result of their injury


of women affected regretted having a child because of the injuries sustained