We are advocates for women and aim to change the lives of those injured during childbirth.

The MASIC Foundation supports women who have suffered serious injuries during childbirth.

A background to our organisation:

  • The MASIC Foundation is the only multi-disciplinary UK charity to support women who have suffered perineal injuries during childbirth known as OASI (Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury) or 3rd and 4th degree tears.
  • The average incidence of OASI in the UK is 3.1%, with an incidence rate of 4.5% in first births. This figure increases to 6.9% with an assisted (instrumental) birth.
  • Approximately 1 in 20 first-time mums are affected by this injury.
  • The main risk factor for anal incontinence amongst childbearing women is an OASI injury.
  • The long term consequences of OASI include increased risk of chronic pain, sexual dysfunction and difficulty or inability to control the bladder, bowels or the passing of wind.
  • These consequences significantly affect mental health, the ability to carry out everyday activities, employment and personal relationships.
  • Many women experience postnatal depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, problems bonding with their babies, and fear of having another child.
  • Women who have sustained these injuries often suffer in silence due to societal stigma and shame. Seeking help is difficult and many GPs are unaware the problem exists. Health professionals are reluctant to discuss the long-term effects of birth injury and there is a lack of multi-disciplinary care within the NHS to support the complex needs of severe perineal injury.
"The MASIC Foundation aims to reduce the incidence of birth injury as well as helping new mothers who may be suffering in silence from its symptoms which are too often hidden in society. These issues are crucial to the future wellbeing of women and their families, which I strongly support"

Our Objectives

The MASIC Foundation has three main objectives:


Raising public awareness and supporting injured women

We focus on raising awareness of birth injuries and promoting where injured women can go to get help and support. We are growing a nationwide network of support groups, both face to face and online, and we launched a helpline in 2021. We aim to work closely with the media, parliamentary groups and related charities to increase awareness of maternal birth injuries and their consequences. We also host a programme of webinars throughout the year to educate and inform on a variety of topics related to OASI and its consequences.


Supporting research and prevention

Centring the lived experience of injured women, we gather qualitative and quantitative data of the impact on their lives and on the services and support available to them. Our focus is on research which can prevent birth injury, ensure women are better informed about risks and how to manage them, and how women can manage the impact of their injuries. We are key players in important national initiatives to improve birth outcomes – including the RCOG/RCM OASI 2 Care Bundle. We are also represented on expert groups established by NHS England to support maternity care outcomes as part of the NHS Long-Term Plan.


Educating healthcare professionals

We offer a multi-disciplinary educational programme for a wide range of healthcare professionals including Midwives, Health Visitors, General Practitioners, Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Psychologists, Sexual Health Practitioners, Colorectal Nurses, Urogynaecologists, Physiotherapists, and Counsellors. Our programme focuses on prevention, early intervention and supporting injured mothers to develop self-help strategies.

Looking for support?

There is support available if you need it, don’t suffer in silence and don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice.

MASIC can help you over come the physical and emotional trauma you may have experienced during and after childbirth. We can support you and guide you to helpful resources, all you need to do is get in touch.

Not sure where to start?

Please call the MASIC 24h freephone Birth Injury Support Helpline 0808 1640833

The stats speak for themselves.
More women are affected and need support…


of women with severe birth injury said it impacted on their relationship with their child


were affected by traumatic memories of the birth


stated they were embarrassed by the symptoms of their injury


of women affected said they doubted their ability to mother


suffered postnatal depression as a result of their injury


of women affected regretted having a child because of the injuries sustained